“In an upcoming episode of WandaVision, our reality-warping not-mutant will be dressing up in a variant of her classic comic book costume, headpiece and all. During an interview with Still Watching/Vanity Fair, Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda) talked about fighting for this costume.” Read more at The Mary Sue. Read more at PCMag. TikTok user Shaiann Alger has been reading one sentence of Twilight a day, and the videos are hilarious. “We’ve been in varying states of quarantine for nearly a year (barf), which means we’ve all found ways to get creative figuring out ways to pass the time. Some of us lovingly nurture our sourdough starter, others have taken up digital painting, and some have probably written at least one novel by now.” Read more at Thrillist. Prisoners of the Ghostland, directed by Sion Sono and starring Nicolas Cage, may just be the wildest movie of 2021. Read more at Inverse. For adults who grew up with LEGO bricks as a child, LEGO’s official white noise album may be the perfect background sound you need. “The tinkly music of LEGO bricks in a bin is a sound many people grew up with. Now, you can revisit that aural memory anytime you like with LEGO’s official white noise album, The Brothers Brick reports.” Read more at Mental Floss. The first trailer for HBO’s upcoming steampunk series The Nevers looks really, really promising. Read more at Gizmodo.