As an agency, your responsibilities increase more as you need to manage multiple client sites, optimize site performance, assign and control permissions wisely, and streamline your workflow seamlessly. Because of all these requirements, you need to choose a reliable WordPress hosting service. It will provide essential features that help you simplify managing multiple sites without compromising performance and security. These features may include easy ownership transfer, granular access controls, user-friendly user interface, website migration, updates and backups, CDN and SSL, choice of data centers, 24/7 technical, and more with a flexible billing structure. All these capabilities would help you deliver high-quality service to your clients, win their trust, and grow your business more. You may also wonder why WordPress and what’s in it for agencies choosing WordPress hosting. The reason is, this open-source platform offers a simplified process to build websites, and even newbies can manage it without a developer’s help. It also has 50k+ plugins for various purposes, including design, SEO, security, performance, and many more. WordPress comes with a wide range of themes and templates and other attractive capabilities to design, manage, and launch sites with ease; no wonder why more than 41% of all websites on the internet use WordPress. So, when you search WordPress hosting services on the internet, you’ll get plenty of options out there, each offering exceptional features, tools, and other capabilities. But, ultimately, it becomes confusing what would work for you. It brings you to the question – which is the best WordPress hosting for agencies? This is why I’ve come up with this list of some of the most reliable WordPress hosting that agencies can reap maximum benefits from. So, let’s check out these WordPress hosting services to decide which can work the best for you.


Agency Partner Program by Kinsta allows agencies to build, launch, and manage client sites easily. It is designed especially for creative and web agencies involved in managing WordPress hosting for clients’ sites. Kinsta takes care of website migration irrespective of its complexity if your site is hosted elsewhere. From portfolio sites to large eCommerce stores, they can handle all types of sites and migrate them perfectly to Kinsta without downtime. Being a Kinsta partner, avail FREE hosting for your site on their Pro plan and achieve the same security and performance as other Kinsta Customers along with a 5-star customer support team. Add your logo quickly using the white-labeled clear cache plugin they provide for better branding and visibility. Using their website transfer tool, website labeling, and site renaming, you can organize all the sites neatly or perform quick ownership transfer in minutes. In addition, the partner program gives you access to Beta tools that you can test and provide feedback to Kinsta so they can offer better services to agencies. They offer a robust MyKinsta dashboard equipped with several helpful tools to manage the sites, enable WP_DEBUG, search & replace, and more efficiently. Kinsta APM is also included in MyKinsta – an efficient app performance monitoring tool that helps you debug slow WordPress websites. Furthermore, they offer DevKinsta – a powerful yet straightforward local development tool for agencies and developers. You also get SSL support and a complete hosting stack to launch your WordPress websites in a few clicks. Other features included in it are swift server-level caching, auto-scaling platform built on top of Google Cloud Platform to handle high traffic. In addition, you get regular malware scans, Cloudflare firewall, DDoS protection, automatic daily backups, self-healing PHP, database optimizations every week, uptime monitoring every 2 minutes, multilingual support, and more. Kinsta’s WordPress hosting plans for agencies starts from US$340/month for 20 WordPress installs, 50 GB storage, 400k visits, and free SSL and CDN.

WP Engine

Accelerate your business with WP Engine’s WordPress hosting service and create an incredible digital experience for your clients. It helps you build fine websites and launch them rapidly with improved SEO, conversions, and low bounce rates. WP Engine’s advanced and simplified platform reduces technology hurdles and processes so you can reap more profits by landing more projects and opening new revenue streams. Additionally, it lets you transform your ideas into reality with valuable tools and features such as Dev, SSH Gateway, Stage, SFTP, Git, and Prod Environments. Apart from these, they offer launch readiness assessments and technical onboarding so you can get started without confusion or hassles. Plus, WP Engine makes sure the web hosting is configured correctly with real-time threat detection, free SSL certificates by Let’s Encrypt, global CDN, EverCache (their proprietary caching technology), and WordPress updates. WP Engine also has a partner program to support your organizational goals by offering advanced developer tools, lead referrals, and co-marketing opportunities.


SiteGround is undoubtedly one of the best web hosting platforms, even for agencies that WordPress itself recommends. It lets you develop, manage, and launch multiple websites seamlessly with its fantastic tools and features. Leverage their automated website setup wizard and create a brand new site within minutes using the hosting package. Next, you can manage everything using a single, easy-to-use dashboard and access Site Tools quickly for each website and options to delete or suspend sites. Once the website is ready, you can deliver it quickly to your clients and transfer the ownership with a few simple clicks. You can also recommend the best web hosting plan with additional services to your clients for the new site and help them with their next steps. In addition, you can choose to remain as a collaborator for the site. On their Cloud and Go Geek plans, it’s possible to register the clients as users within your hosting account while giving white-label access to them for Site Tools. As a result, they wouldn’t see SiteGround’s name or logo anywhere when they access their site’s Site Tools. Speaking of Site Tools, they are intuitive and powerful to allow complete control on each site you own or manage. You can upload files easily on the sites using file manager, staging tool, and FTP manager built for WordPress. Make quick code updates, develop faster, and better control your environment with tools such as WordPress staging, PHP version controls, WP-CLI, MySQL manager, Git integration, SSH, and more. Enjoy free CDN and SSL, automatic updates, WordPress caching, IP blocker, and other helpful tools to boost the site speed and security. You also get WordPress Starter Plugin to build a fully functional website designed professionally with essential functionalities such as contact forms, portfolios, or online stores. SiteGround offers Migrator Plugin for FREE, so you can migrate any number of sites as you want without changing configurations or facing hurdles. In addition, use their SG Optimizer plugin that helps optimize your app and facilitates dynamic caching. You can also utilize lazy image loading, HTML and CSS minifications, and more for better site performance.


Scale and succeed by building more quality sites that your clients love with the web hosting service by Flywheel. You can add more revenue streams and reorganize your team using their simplified dashboard and other valuable tools. Managing WordPress hosting, collaborating with your colleagues, and billing clients has become a cakewalk with Flywheel. You can also collaborate easily with stakeholders outside your agency, such as clients, freelance developers, testers, etc., by adding them as collaborators with access to site management, database updates, and file editing. Don’t worry about sharing crucial information with them, as they will get separate individual logins that work with SFTP and Flywheel’s dashboard. In addition, your team members inside the organization can also create new websites, request billing, and push changes into the production phase. Get real-time activity logs to learn who is doing what in your team and make better strategies. Besides, you can accelerate website creation using templates of the plugins and themes you love using. In this way, you don’t have to install everything one by one, which cuts a significant development time. Use their staging environment to make website updates easily in a sandbox environment. It helps you push changes directly to the production stage with a click. Flywheel’s support team is also excellent, and you can also seek help from their in-depth documentation. Some of their impressive features are blazing-fast load time with no configuration, lots of data center options across the globe, WordPress optimized servers, and CDN for extra speed. In addition, you get security features like free SSL certificates, daily night backups, quick SFTP access, and free site cleanups to prevent hacks. Give it a try to Flywheel today.


Deliver extraordinary site experiences to all your clients using the performance-focused web hosting for agencies by Cloudways that helps you and your clients grow. They have been serving agencies for the last ten years and have hosted 600k+ WordPress sites with 120k+ active servers and 72 NPS core. You can create workflows and add members for efficient collaboration and project management. Choose from the best five IaaS cloud providers such as Digital Ocean, Google Cloud, AWS, Linode, and Vultr to launch the site and choose any number of servers. You can launch various sites, from complex multitier web apps to simple websites using WordPress, PHP, Magento, or others. Their intuitive platform helps you manage and deploy mission-critical sites quickly with a click. In addition, you get pre-configured sophisticated cache technologies to offer remarkable site experiences. Cloudways offers helpful features that simplify the processes of your agency. It includes 1-click site staging to make updates without interrupting the production sites, installing and managing unlimited sites on the dedicated cloud server. You can make separate copies of your sites or clone the complete server with a click. Furthermore, they offer WordPress optimized and scalable web hosting with performance-boosting features like advanced caches and CloudwaysCDN to support all WooCommerce stores and WordPress sites. Cloudways offers FREE website migration services as well to save you from migration hassles. Their pricing starts from $10/month for 1 GB RAM, 1 CPU, 1 TB bandwidth, and 25 GB storage.


Power your client websites with a reliable, scalable, and secure web hosting service by Pressable. They offer managed WordPress hosting for agencies with a complete set of valuable tools, high-performance technologies, and support. Pressable is suitable for agencies of all sizes as they offer affordable and feature-rich packages, allowing agencies to earn more with less work while managing multiple sites. This easy-to-use platform also takes care of WordPress core updates so that you can spend more time creating the sites and serving the clients. They help protect the sites from brute force attacks, malware, and other security threats. In addition, Pressable offers Jetpack Security FREE with automatic daily backups, plugin management, and 1-click security fixes. The same WordPress creators and WooCommerce developed pressable; hence, it can deliver optimal site reliability and speed. Moreover, their sturdy network has worldwide data centers along with a global CDN to serve your customers no matter where they live. You get free website migration for any number of sites with ease. And if you want to do it all by yourself, you can use their automated WordPress Migrator plugin with simple clicks. Or, you can also seek their help with unlimited white-glove managed site migrations for free. Pressable guarantees 99.99% uptime that excludes scheduled maintenance. Plus, they will credit 5% of your monthly fee in your registered account for every 30 minutes of downtime and a maximum of 100% monthly fee if the server(s) is affected. Pressable’s pricing starts from $31.50/month with a 30-day money-back guarantee.


Agencies across the world can choose Pressidium to seek premium, affordable, and managed WordPress web hosting. They never let you worry about site downtimes as they keep monitoring their servers all the time. Continue gaining client confidence with optimal security features that protect your sites from cyberattacks. They also have a stable and advanced infrastructure to handle sudden traffic spikes. In addition, Pressidium’s dashboard is beautiful and provides full control on your sites, such as team permission management, database management, and more, without requiring an IT degree. Let them handle backup configurations, server settings, and troubleshooting hosting issues so you can peacefully create websites and launch them rapidly. They offer daily automated backups to increase data safety, and you can also take site snapshots and roll back if anything goes wrong. Use their site staging feature to create a site replica and make design changes without affecting the live site. After you finalize the design, you can deploy it quickly. They also upgrade your WordPress, apply security patches, and check for vulnerable plugins to offer better security. Pressidium’s plans start from $42/month for 3 sites, 30k visits, unlimited bandwidth, and 10 GB storage.


There are many options available if you search for a WordPress hosting service for agencies. And to choose the best one for your needs, you need to find the right solution. It must help you deliver high-performing websites to clients, ease your work with comprehensive site management, allow you to retain complete control, and provide you a good earning opportunity. Hence, choose the one that can balance these WordPress hosting aspects and still comes under your budget.

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